Saturday, August 28, 2010

So Dance Like its the Last Night of your Life!

Hey everyone.

So Cadre week is over, Thank god. I've been made Historical Committee Acting CIC. (Cadet in Charge) aside from my duties as Work-study CIC. 

So I had a huge flashback today. I was at meet your Calic, and I just saw me and my scared little self from three years ago standing on that rail talking to my sister-sister nULL Hunt about who our Calic might be. To think.... n one year... I'll be a Calic myself! I can't believe it!

Even better news? The whole gang is back. My friends in PEG, the Trouble gang (those of us in VWIL... Mia, May, Casey... (Three of us were already back. We were waiting on May ;) ) 

Hung out with the PEG gang this evening, that was great, Indian food, sexual jokes, and god knows what else. The normalcy was great! :-) I missed that a lot.

Classes start on Monday, I'm excited! : ) 19 credit hours, but its class! Finally! My escape from VWIL! 

So, I'm going to go swap my laundry, (because someone can't move there shit outta the dryer in a decent time) and play my games.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

So it begins....

Cadre Week. Day one.

Not as hectic as I expected, but I still had stuff to do.

The poor nullies are terrified. You can see it on there faces as you walk around the parade deck today. Some of them had JROTC experience, and know what they semi sorta doing. The rest.... Clueless. I find it amusing.... but, I can't say much, I've been there and done the whole cadre week thing. I don't miss it.

Tomorrow, we start the nULL issue process. Moving everything to the SAC. Fun shit.... Not really.

I'm just trying to get a good nights sleep.... all night. Its hard to even get 8 hours of sleep right now. Early Mornings and Late nights... I sure as hell don't miss it.

But anyway. Off here and relaxing a bit till i can fall asleep again

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Two Zero!

Twenty Years.

If I was a Dog, I'd be 200 years old.


I've seen my fair share in my lifetime. I've hit rock bottom, and climbed back up. I've been hurt (literally and physically), beat up, bruised and god knows what else. But I'm glad to say I've accomplished things in my life.

I had totally mean't to post this almost a week ago, but I've had no time to finish editing it much less think about what to end with. I can finally think! I've been busting my ass all week long since Monday (my birthday) afternoon and I can finally rest! We have the morning off, and I can sleep, rest, and relax. Nothing to do till tomorrow until at least 1300, which is a damn good thing! :D 

So, as for the rest of the night, read a little bit of the book Casey let me, and then a little bit of fun stuff to do until bed. :D

Friday, August 13, 2010

Early Return and PCOS

So... Good news or bad news first?

Eh, Good news first is best I suppose. I get to return to MBC on Sunday instead of Monday. Yayness!

Bad news.... The Doc thinks I have PCOS (Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome) and went to get blood tests today.... almost fainted. That sucked. I'm still lightheaded and outta sorts in my head. But I have been able to drive clearly and run my errands. Hopefully a good meal tonight will set me straight. Babysitting tomorrow then off to MBC Sunday!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Four Days and a Wake up till BALDWIN!!! Whoohoo!

Alright, well... I know its been a little over two weeks since I last posted, given that my last post was four days till home, well now its four days and a wake up then I am officially Home! MBC Baby! I'm sooo excited!

As for right now, I'm at Caseys house in Williamsburg for a little R&R before I head back to Beaverdam for a few hectic days at home then off to MBC First thing monday morning! Yayness!

I'm all packed and rearing to go!

Did I Mention i bought my car? :D I did

'97 Ford Taurus. 165k miles, and my baby! I need a name for her though. Shes dark green, so any ideas? Shoot em at me sometime.

Alright well I'm off here. See ya at MBC!