So real quick, since I've got class in 2.5.
Sitting in the Library this morning writing a paper really quick for class this afternoon, I found myself sitting caddy-corner to a ex-friend of mine from freshman year. And by ex friend I mean she and I were really close for the longest time. And then something happened. Don't ask me what, but she just stopped talking to me. I said hello one day and she didn't respond. So I was like wtf. It's been 5 months since then. I don't find myself missing the friendship though, which is odd in all sense of the world. Normally, when I have a friendship like that it burns to be back-stabbed for no reason. Once upon a time, I could have counted on her for that friendship I so treasure, and now I look, and wonder what the hell happened, but I'm not broken over it. I just had to toss that out there.
It's a weird life I live.
But on the other hand, Travis had a legit excuse, and I forgave him, and he is going to try and come up before i leave for NEW AWILNS on Saturday after change of command.
4 days and a wake up till NOLA!
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