Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spring Break... In the beginning of March?

So... its Thursday, and our spring break is already half way over! I wish it wasn't. It is also raining today... How nasty. I would mind the sun being out, and it being warm, with a little breeze, then I would go lay out in the lawn, read my books for my paper, and relax my day away. Oh but no... it has to rain today, which makes the ground soggy, and makes every girl in her right mind want to curl up and sleep her day away! Makes you want to sing "Raining on Sunday" by Keith Urban.

Whats new in my life? Hah, well, shit. Did I tell you all about what happened with PEG in January? I don't think I did. Well, to sum up, I wasn't allowed to have my friendships with them, because apparently I was harassing them? Yeah, complete Bullshit. Just saying. But to finish my lovely sum up, Someone advocated for my cause after finding out, and the punishment was lifted, but I have been "cautioned to remain at a distance". Like I care anymore.
Oh, and Softball? Yeah, screw that too... got booted off last month. So much for that.
Another thing... I have a Stalker. I pray it hasn't found my blog yet, but who the hell knows anymore. I'm tired of it all, and what its causing me. Its just another repeat of high school.
Samantha is back in VA. I had planned to go visit her today, but I still have yet to receive a phone call. So, who knows if that is going to happen either. I really hope she does, but who knows about hopes anymore...

Nowadays its work and work and work. School, school, school. Thats all I do.

Speaking of which. Back to work on that paper of mine :)

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