Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 8 - I ain't no Cinderella!

Day 8 - May 30th, 2010

So today my day started bright and early... and more than likely end early as well.

I was up at 0300 from lack of air-flow no thanks to my sinuses, and this sore throat. I really had to be up at 0400 so I could go take care of the dogs I'm pet sitting, and still get breakfast and be to work on time.

It was a hardcore bust ass day... and I'm sore. Its been a while. I will say I felt like Cinderella with a Hard-hat, and boots, just no apron. My thumb knuckle is bruised from frequent use of a broom against it. Blisters and calluses adorn my hands, rubbing and almost blisters riddle my feet and ankles. What have I gotten into? I was drenched by 730 with sweat, and I swear my clothes got heaver and heavier with soot and sweat as the day wore on. Sorry for the gruesome details, but tis true! Mind you, this is also only one job! I have three! I'm house sitting occasionally for dad's friend, then add Cargill, and Connie's opens up on Wednesday, and I'm basically an Assistant chef there. It's insane!

Good beginning to the summer and job's though! Gotta save it. All the money I get. Yeap. Gotta get it all in the bank where I cannot touch it.

That was the good news.

The bad news?

I'm not getting any better with this sickness. I can hardly talk today. And it hurts to do so as well.  >.<

Well, thats the NoLA update, so I'm going to tune into the race, and relax for a bit till I crash.

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